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Seal of Biliteracy

The Oregon State Seal of Biliteracy/Multiliteracy is a significant acknowledgment of the culmination of our dual language programs. It recognizes and values student's heritage languages, and is a valuable credential for our bilingual students. While most student recipients have participated in the district's dual language program, this is not a requirement to earn the Seal. The award not only is a part of the high school transcript and diploma, but it also certifies biliteracy for employers and universities. It is a statement of accomplishment that helps to signal evidence of a student's readiness for career and/or college, and engage as a global citizen. It is our honor to bestow this award to our students.

Specials thanks to all teachers and other staff in grades PreK through 12 who have inspired, prepared and supported bicultural, biliterate (or multiliterate and multicultural!) students over their educational career. The recipients of this prestigious award have often expressed their gratitude to the Woodburn School District and teachers for encouraging their linguistic development in two or more languages. Celebrating our multicultural and multiliterate students is one of our district's most treasured traditions and is a testament to our collective commitment to our mission and vision.

Criteria and Eligibility

To earn the Seal of Biliteracy/Multiliteracy, students must:

  • meet all graduation requirements

  • demonstrate proficiency in two or more languages at an Intermediate High level, according to the ACFTL proficiency levels

Demonstrating Proficiency

Students have various built-in testing opportunities to demonstrate language proficiency through classes offered at Woodburn High School.

For students who need additional opportunities, STAMP testing and comprehensive interviews are available for students during their senior year.

For more information or for specific questions about student progress towards the Seal of Biliteracy/Multiliteracy, please contact Language Program Coordinator Becky Mendez at

Past WHS Seal of Biliteracy Recipients

WHS Seal of Biliteracy 2018

WHS Seal of Biliteracy 2019

WHS Seal of Biliteracy 2023

Recognition of Biliteracy at 5th & 8th Grade

Because the Woodburn School District values multilingualism, students in 5th and 8th grade who are on track towards meeting the requirements for the Seal of Biliteracy in two or more languages also have the opportunity to be recognized.

Students have various built-in options for showing proficiency based on state assessments, including OSAS, MAP and ELPA testing, in addition to the STAMP testing. They also have built-in options for showing proficiency based on classroom assessments through the local performance assessments identified on the grade level projection map. Students who have not demonstrated proficiency on one of the assessments have the option of providing a work sample as evidence of their proficiency in that domain.


WSD Recognition of Biliteracy: English Spanish   Russian

For additional information on the 5th or 8th Grade Recognition of Biliteracy please contact your student's school or one of the District Language Program Coordinators.