Instructional Materials Adoption
Every seven years, content areas for school districts select new materials to use in classrooms, as part of the Oregon Department of Education materials adoption process. This year, we have recommendations to adopt materials for Mathematics. In planning for next year, teams of teachers representing all grade levels have been working diligently to review and select Mathematics materials for adoption and use in classrooms in fall of 2024. Throughout the last year and a half, they have been crafting belief statements about mathematics in general, and our belief statements about WSD students as mathematicians. Those belief statements are listed below. Additionally, these groups of teachers have reviewed and piloted materials approved by the Oregon Department of Education and have determined recommendations for adoption. Once approved, we will spend the rest of the school year getting training on materials, professional development on math practices, and adjusting curricular maps and assessments as needed. See directly below for a visual of the timeline for Mathematics materials adoption. Additionally, if you would like to learn more about the recommended materials, please see information below. You can also submit your feedback via this Google Form.
K-5 Recommendation:
6-12 Recommendations:
enVision Math (Algebra 1, Geometry)
Statistics and Probability with Applications (Probability and Statistics)
Introduction to Computer Science with Python from CodeHS (Survey of Computer Science)
Financial Algebra-Next Generation Personal Finance (Financial Algebra)
Our Beliefs about Mathematics |
Our Beliefs about Students as Mathematicians |
If you would like to review any of these materials in person, please contact Charlotte Fipps ( or 503-982-4274) to make a viewing appointment at the District Office.