English Learner Plan
The Woodburn School District is committed to providing quality English learner programs for our students. We implement various program models in order to best meet the needs of all students. The program models include: Two-Way Immersion (Dual Language), English Plus, Multicultural Academic Program for Newcomers and Heritage Language. English language development and sheltered instructional strategies are a key component of all programs.
Woodburn has a commitment to providing programs that allow for all students to have the opportunity to graduate proficient in two or more languages. The goal is achieved through our bilingual programs and English Plus, with the option of Spanish/English and Russian/English programs.
To learn more about our plan to support our students in their pathway to becoming bilingual or multilingual, please review our Dual Language Manual. To learn more about our specific efforts to support students in developing their English proficiency, please view the English Learner Plan.