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English Language Development

English Learner Qualification

At the time of district enrollment at the Welcome Center, parents/guardians complete the Oregon Language Use Survey (LUS). The information on the LUS is used to determine whether or not the student will be screened using the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) screener. The results of the screener determine whether or not the student qualifies for English Learner/English Language Development Services. Parents/guardians have the right to accept or decline these services for their students. 

All students receiving English Learner Services take the ELPA test once per year to monitor their growth. (Students that decline services must still take the ELPA test.)

Students that qualify for English Learner Services may participate in all of our language programs (Dual Language, English Only or Newcomer).

English Language Development Instruction

K-5 English Language Development: Students in elementary that qualify for English learner services receive an English Language Development (ELD) class every day for at least 30 minutes, as a part of their regular instruction. ELD classes are leveled, and students receive dedicated English instruction in reading, writing, listening and speaking designed to increase their English proficiency.

6-12 English Language Development: Students in middle and high school that qualify for English Learner Services have two different options for English Language Development, depending on their level of proficiency. All students receive ELD in at least one of these options - either focused ELD or Integrated ELD. Students that need additional support may receive both.

Focused ELD: ESOL endorsed teachers teach specifically designed curriculum the English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards to students at the Emerging or Progressing Levels. It is a separate class period in the student’s schedule.

Focused ELD is dedicated time and targeted instruction that provides:

  • An emphasis on oral and written language in grade appropriate and relevant tasks
  • Instruction organized by English proficiency level that follows a continuum of linguistic skills 
  • Ample opportunities for structured and purposeful interaction and collaboration

Integrated ELD: Dual-endorsed teachers explicitly teach both the content and ELP standards using integrated standards maps and utilizing best practice language instruction. Students are receiving their ELD services within the context of their content (ex: ELA) class, and the teacher must observe students in classroom interactions to assess both content and language proficiency in all four domains.

Integrated ELA/ELD provides:

  • explicit instruction to support students that receive English learner services in understanding and using the language necessary for grade level work
  • accelerated instruction that emphasizes critical literacy skills and academic language
  • a process for analyzing the linguistic demands of complex text and oral and written tasks
  • tools to analyze and plan language instruction for context learning
  • ample opportunities for structures and purposeful interaction and collaboration

Monitoring & Exiting Services

Exiting English Learner Services 

In order to exit English Learner Services, students must test “Proficient” on the ELPA, by scoring a 4 or 5 in all domains (reading, writing, listening and speaking).

Monitoring Student Progress After Exiting

All students who demonstrate proficiency on the ELPA and who have exited from English Learner Services are then monitored for the next 4 years to ensure that they continue to progress and that their English proficiency does not hinder their academic achievement.