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Dual Language

The Woodburn School District is committed to fulfilling our district goal of "All students will have the opportunity to achieve bi-literacy."  We implement three different language strands in order to meet this goal: The Spanish-English Two Way Bilingual Immersion Program, the Russian Heritage Language Program* and the English+ Program. 

Program Option #1 - Dual Language: Spanish/English or Russian/English

Schools that offer this program:

  • Grades K-5 - Heritage, Lincoln, Nellie Muir, Washington
  • Grades 6-8 - French Prairie, Valor
  • Grades 9-12 - Woodburn High School

*The Russian Heritage Program is offered only at Heritage, Valor and Woodburn High School. 

In the Dual Language Program, students start in Kinder and 1st grade with the majority of the instruction in Spanish (or Russian): 80%, and 20% of the day in English. This 20% includes English Language Development and Specials classes (music, art, PE, etc). Every 2 years or so, the amount of English instruction during the day increases, and the amount of instruction in Spanish decreases. The languages balance out over time, and by the time students reach high school, it is the opposite -- most of the instruction is done in English, with a small percentage in Spanish/Russian.

Any student, regardless of their language abilities, may enter the Dual Language Program in Kindergarten or in 1st grade. Starting in 2nd grade, if a student wishes to enter the Dual Language Program, they must meet one of the following requirements:

  • have previously been enrolled in and be coming from a dual language program in another school
  • pass an assessment administered at the Welcome Center


Program Option #2 - English Only

Schools that offer this program:

  • Grades K-5 - Heritage, Lincoln, Nellie Muir
  • Grades 6-8 - French Prairie, Valor
  • Grades 9-12 - Woodburn High School, Success

In this program, students receive all of their instruction in English. For students who receive English Language Development, this instruction will be included in their English instruction.

For more information on our Dual Language Program, please visit our Dual Language Manual.

Visit our DUal Language Manual Here

For more information on the benefits of bilingualism, please click the links below:

Benefits of Multilingualism (English)

Benefits of Multilingualism (Spanish)


For questions related to the WSD Language Programs, please contact one of our District Language Program Coordinators.