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Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum 

The core curriculum is built upon the adopted standards from the Oregon Department of Education (ODE).  Using these as their guide, as well as related guidance and frameworks, teams of grade level and content teachers collaborate to develop a yearly scope and sequence of these standards. These pacing guides (or Projection Maps) ensure that students have access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum, in which all students have access to content standards and are taught and assessed on common priority standards. 


Oregon Department of Education Adopted Standards 

To view the full scope of the ODE adopted standards, please visit their "Standards" webpage.  Below is a table with direct links to content specific pages and/or comprehensive documents, when available. 


Standards by Content

Language Arts and Literacy 
*Note: These standards are utilized in all 3 language strands, in addition to the Common Core en Español and internal Russian language documents.

Learning Standards for K-5

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has streamlined the process of locating content standards for elementary grade level teachers by developing this Learning Standards for K-5 webpage. On this page content standards for The Arts, English Language Arts, Health, Math, Physical Education, Science, Social Emotional Learning, and Social Science are arranged by grade level so that all standards can be accessed from one spot.