Teaching & Learning
The Department of Teaching and Learning supports the instructional core within a bi-literate, intercultural context by providing the following:
- A guaranteed and viable curriculum including a yearlong scope and sequence of units aligned to standards.
- An Instructional Framework which provides clear expectations and best practice methods for teaching and learning.
- Electronic tools to manage curriculum, assessment, lesson plans, blended learning, grading and communication about academic progress.
- An articulated and aligned K-12 Dual Language Program
- Adopted materials that are aligned to standards and WSD programs
- Instructional coaching to support continual improvement of teacher practices
- Mentoring for teachers in their first two years of the profession
- Systems supports for each element of our balanced assessment system, including state assessments
- Support for professional learning and collaboration
Woodburn School District Theory of Action
if we focus on the K-12 instructional core within our bi-literate, intercultural context;
and if we learn collaboratively at all levels;
and if we align our K-12 system with a proficiency-based approach,
then we will have a high academic achievement that is equitable for all students.