Suicide & Crisis Hotlines
Hotline for Northwest human services
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- If you are experiencing a crisis, please call the NHS hotline at 503-581-5535 or 1.800.560.5535
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
More Info:
- Visit 988's suicide crisis and lifeline website
- What is 988?
- Call 988 crisis helpline
- What happens when I call?
- What happens when I text?
- Chat online chat with 988, available 24/7
- What happens when I chat?
- Spanish speakers: Ayuda en español aquí o llame al 1-888-628-9454 Lifeline ofrece 24/7, servicios gratuitos en español.
- For TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988
Psychiatric crisis center, marion county
Provides crisis intervention services seven days a week, twenty four hours a day for residents of Mid-Willamette Valley, particularly Marion, Polk and Yamhill Counties.
Call 503-585-4949 to contact Marion County Health and Human Services
● Recurso bilingüe disponible
Youth and family crisis services, Marion county
Provides consultation and crisis screenings to youth in schools struggling with suicidal or mental health symptoms.
More Info:
- Teens available to help daily from 4-10pm Pacific Time. (off-hour calls answered by Lines for Life).
- Text "teen2teen" to 839863
- YouthLine is a service of Lines for Life.
- Chat online at
SafeOregon is a program created for Oregon students, parents, school staff, community members and law enforcement officers to report and respond to student safety threats.
- Call or text: 844-427-3367
- Email:
24-7 peer support for trans people in crisis.
More Info:
- Call 1-877-565-8860 for the crisis line.
- Trans Lifeline is a trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive.
Available 24/7.
More Info:
- Call the Trevor Project at 1-866-488-7386
- Text “START” to the Trevor Project at 678678
- Visit TrevorSpace website, an online international peer-to-peer community for LGBTQ young people and their friends.