PBIS is a school-wide data driven system where every community member teaches, re-teaches, and reinforces positive behaviors. Clear and high expectations for safe, responsible, and respectful behaviors are reinforced.
The main focus of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors in Woodburn School District. Through PBIS, we will work together to create and maintain a productive and safe environment in which ALL school community members clearly understand the shared expectations for behavior. We believe that through the implementation of PBIS systems and strategies we will increase student academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behavior,and establish a positive school climate.
PBIS methods are research-based and have been proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in the school. One of the key components of the system is a focus on prevention. It is based on the idea that when students are taught clearly defined behavioral expectations and provided with predictable responses to their behavior, both positive and corrective, 85-95% of the students will meet those expectations. As part of PBIS, each school in Woodburn School District has developed school-wide procedures to accomplish the following:
- Define Behavior Expectations. A small number of clearly defined behavioral expectations are defined in positive, simple, rules.
- Teach Behavioral Expectations. The behavioral expectations are taught to all students in each building, and are taught in real contexts. Behavioral expectations are taught using the same teaching formats applied to other curricula. The general rule is presented; the rationale for the rule is discussed,positive examples (“the right way”) are described and rehearsed, and negative(“the wrong way”) are described and modeled. Students are given an opportunity to practice the “right way” until they demonstrate fluent performance.
- Acknowledge Appropriate Behaviors. Once appropriate behaviors have been defined and taught, they need to be acknowledged on a regular basis. Each school has developed a formal system that rewards positive behavior.
- Proactively Correct Behavior Errors. When students violate the behavioral expectations, they are informed that their behavior was unacceptable. Clear procedures are used to redirect students to appropriate behavior. Another key element to PBIS is the analysis by the school team of discipline referral data. The team-based approach to data analysis allows the school to identify the problem areas, brainstorm interventions, acknowledge the students exhibiting the expected behavior, and communicate the findings to staff, students, and parents.