All children need healthy meals to help them learn. The Woodburn School District Nutrition Services offers students delicious, healthy, nutrient-rich meals every school day for both Breakfast and Lunch at no charge to students.
Our friendly, knowledgeable School Nutrition Professionals serve over 8420 meals per day,
which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Besides serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner at each of the 7 district school sites, we also prepare meals and/or snacks for the children in the Creative Learning Center at Woodburn High School, Success
Alternative High School, Preschool at Nuevo Amanecer, students enrolled at Chemeketa to pursue their GED and the students of Arthur Academy. Woodburn Nutrition Services believe in the children of our community. We are here to help provide the nourishment they need to grow both in body and mind, so that they may achieve the challenging goals they set.
Oregon Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded annual grant program. Our district implements this grant by providing free fresh fruits and/or vegetables to students in elementary schools where grants have been awarded. The purpose of the program is to increase the variety and frequency of fruits and vegetables that children eat and to positively influence their life-long healthy eating habits. Every morning each classroom is provided with a fresh fruit or vegetable option to enjoy in the classroom. We are excited to announce that FFVP grants have been awarded to the following elementary schools: Lincoln, Heritage, Nellie Muir and Washington. The grant duration is 1 year or until grant funds run out, beginning October 1.
FFVP informational flier in English, Spanish & Russian translations: Click here
If you are a local farmer and interested in more information please contact Kathy Sprague at 503-981-2712 or via email at
The Woodburn School District has a proud Farm to School partnership with the following vendors.
Beilke Family Farms
Tortillaria Y Tienda de Leon's
Iverson Family Farms
S.A. Piazza Pizza
Our school lunches meet additional standards requiring:
Age-appropriate calorie limits
A wider variety of vegetables (including dark green and red/orange vegetables and legumes)
Fat-free or 1% milk
All grain products must be 51% whole grain with the remainder grains being enriched
Less sodium
Educating palates, fueling young minds, and nourishing the health of our community through school meals.
Our school lunches are still served at no charge to all students. To meet the new regulations and continue serving the students at no charge, all students must take at least one ½ cup serving of fruit and/or vegetables with their lunch.New in 2014-2015, 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable with breakfast. This serving will be counted toward the 3 of 5 meal components needed to make a reimbursable meal.