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Information Technology

Our Mission:
To provide quality customer service and support to the Woodburn School District; preparing our school community to embrace and utilize technology and be productive members of society.


Please read our Responsible User Agreement prior to use of district technology

English version

Spanish version

Russian version

Staff version of Woodburn's Responsible User Agreement

If you or your student cannot abide by the rules and regulations in the agreement, you must notify the district in writing annually by September 15 or within two weeks of registering with the district. Letters should be addressed to:

ITS - Woodburn School District 
1390 Meridian Avenue
Woodburn, Oregon 97071

The letter should include the following:

Your name and relationship to the child (where applicable)
The name of the child (where applicable)
A statement acknowledging your desire to forgo your and your student’s use of technology including any digital curricula and other third party services
Your signature

Use of Student Data

The school district enters into agreements requiring student data based on the best interest of the child’s learning. Parents give permission to have their child’s Woodburn username, password, birthdate, and district identification number shared with third parties through acknowledgement of the district's Responsible User Agreement (links can be found in the box above). Woodburn SD provides effective web-based tools and applications for learning. Our district uses several web-based services operated not by Woodburn, but by third parties. In order for our students to use these services, certain personally identifiable information must be provided to the web site operator. Under a federal law entitled the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) these websites must obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children. The law permits school districts to consent to the collection of personal information on behalf of all of its students, thereby eliminating the need for individual parental consent given directly to the web site operator. We are seeking your permission regardless.

A full list of contracted companies can be found here.

Students in Woodburn School District are taught to keep their passwords secure. Every effort is made to be consistent about this instruction. It should be reinforced at home. Parents can find resources about media literacy and citizenship at Common Sense Media