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Our promise is to engage, inspire, and

prepare each student to learn, lead,

and contribute towards an equitable

community, both local and global.



Woodburn School District is a diverse,

multilingual, and equitable community

of learners where each student is

supported and prepared to succeed.



Accountability | Cultural Diversity

Family and Community Partnerships

Civic Responsibility | Lifelong Learning

Multilingualism | Equity


Welcome Center

Image for Welcome center.  Color pencils

Test Text


Multilingual Programs

School Board

School Safety

After School Club

WSD Newsletter & Events

The Woodburn School District Promise

News & Events

WSD Calendar

Hello Staff,

Please help us draft proposed calendars for the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school years by responding to this survey. We want to hear from you! /  Пожалуйста, помогите нам составить календари на 2025-26 и 2026-27 учебные годы, ответив на этот опрос. Мы хотим услышать ваше мнение! / Por favor ayúdenos a elaborar los calendarios propuestos para los ciclos escolares 2025-2026 y 2026-2027 respondiendo a esta encuesta. ¡Queremos saber su opinión!

link to survey

Social Media